
اقباط مصر يطلبون الحماية من اسرائيل مقابل الاعتراف بدولة اسرائيل او اور شليم

فى رسالة بعث بها اقباط المهجر الى رئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلى نتنياهو يطلبون تدخل اسرائيل لحمايتهم داخل مصر بعد حرق كنيسة فى اسوان وقد بعث بالرسالة عصمت زقلمة رئيسى مايسمى دولة مصر القبطية والمحامى موريس صادق رئيس الجمعية القبطية الوطنية الامريكية فعلى اسرائيل ان تسمح لهم باقامة سفارة لهم باقدس مقابل ارسال المسيحيين لزيارة القدس رغما عن انف الكنيسة المصرية ومحافظتهم على اتفاقية السلام مع اسرائيل وجاء نص الرسالة كالاتىDear President Netanyahu

We have made a request to the United Nation for endorsement of our government in Exile to be a member (observer) similar to that application by Palestinians for self determination and State. We believe we have priority because we are the landlords, the ancestor of the Pharos, who has occupied the land of Egypt forever. We are bigger population ten times. We are looking for your support in the UN which might relieve you from the Palestinians pressure.

Further, even we are looking for your police protection of the churches in Aswan or just the threat thereto.

With Horner the Coptic State of Egypt do hereby request your help in designating a building for us to open our first embassy in Jerusalem similar to that of Southern Sudan. We will pay for it.

The Coptic Sate is a government in exile established in the USA to protect the Coptic Christen 20 million people strong. Now establishing a Coptic embassy in Jerusalem will serve two purposes:

One, is to normalize the relation and keep the Peace Treaty between Israel and Coptic Egypt by establishing an office of tourism to invite Coptic Christians to visit the Holy Land and encourage investment in your economy.

Two, for Israel to have the opportunity to have cheaper manpower to build, revitalize Eastern Jerusalem. This is to fortify the back bone to the persecuted Coptic Christian in Egypt.

We believe of State and religion. The Church in Egypt is under siege and the Pop’s declaration should have no political force and you must understand the meaning less propaganda.

The Islamic intention to eliminate and eradicate the Jews and Christian from the Middle East has come to the surface before the whole world supported by the Wahaby regime by Saudi Arabia. The Coptic Shield is your protection, in so far as, the support the Vatican, the United States, the European Union , the African Union and all the western hemisphere to the Coptic cause in face of the Islamic terrorism which must be defeated by all of us.

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